Synonyms edit · 時間/时间 (shíjiān) · 暇隙 (xiáxì) · 業餘/业余 (yèyú) · 空兒/空儿 (kòngr) · 空暇 (kòngxiá) · 空閒/空闲 (kòngxián) · 美國時間/美国时间 ( ...


Śūnyatā, translated most often as "emptiness", "vacuity", and sometimes "voidness", or "nothingness" is an Indian philosophical concept. In Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, and other philosophical strands, the concept has multiple meanings depending... Wikipedia
Bengali: শূন্যতা; (Shunnôta)
Burmese: သုညတ; (thone nya ta)
Chinese: 空; (Pinyin: Kōng)
English: emptiness, voidness, vacuity, openness, thusness, nothingness
Japanese: 空; (Rōmaji: Kū)
Khmer: សុញ្ញតា; (UNGEGN: Sŏnhnhôta)
Korean: 공성 (空性); (RR: gong-seong)

“空”字是形声字,上半部分的“ · ”是形旁,指示字义。“穴”是洞窟、洞穴的意思,最初表示像窑洞一类的土室;下面的“工”是声旁,表示读音。许慎《 · 》对“空”的解释是“窍也”。
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康熙字典. 【午集下】【穴部】 空《唐韻》《正韻》苦紅切《集韻》《韻會》枯公切,𠀤音崆。空虛也。《史記·天官書》赤帝行德天牢,謂之空。 又大也。
空 ... 请你把书架的第一层空出来。 [Qǐng nǐ bǎ shūjià de dìyī céng kòng chūlái.] Please empty out the first shelf of the bookcase. ... 储藏室里没空放你的行李了。
built above the ground (on stilts) fig. unfounded impractical (cf castles in the air) fig. a mere figurehead. Show Strokes · 真空. zhēn kōng.
English definition and translation from Chinese of: 空with examples on how to use, sound, pronunciation, stroke order animations for each character and more ...